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* Joon bi facing the front

Look left and move left foot toward L-1 into a left front stance with a left down block

2. Step right foot toward L-1 into a right front stance with a right center punch

3. Look right and move right foot 180 degrees clockwise toward R-1 into a right front stance with a right down block

4. Step left foot toward R-1 into a left front stance with a left center punch

5. Look left and move left foot 90 degrees toward the front into a left walking stance with a right inner-body block

6. Step right foot to the front into a right walking stance with a left inner-body block

7. Look left and move left foot to L-2 into a left front stance with a left down block

8. Execute a right front kick to L-2, setting kicking foot down into a right front stance with a right high punch

9. Look right and move right foot 180 degrees clockwise toward R-2 into a right front stance with a right down block

10. Execute a left front kick to R-2, setting kicking foot down toward R-2 into a left front stance with a left high punch

11. Look left and move left foot 90 degrees toward the front into a left walking stance with a left high block

12. Step toward the front into a right walking stance with a right high block

13. Pivot on right foot, move left foot 270 degrees counter-clockwise toward R-3 into a left walking stance with a right inner-body block

14. Pivot 180 degrees clockwise toward L-3 into a right walking stance with a left inner-body block

15. Look left and move left foot toward the back into a left front stance with a left down block

16. Execute a right front kick, setting kicking foot down into a right front stance with a right center punch toward the back

17. Execute a left front kick, setting kicking foot down into a left front stance with a left center punch toward the back

18. Execute a right front kick, setting kicking foot down into a right front stance with a right center punch toward the back - KIAP!

     * Move left foot back counter-clockwise to face the front in joon bi stance.
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