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Cyberbullying Awareness

Some concerned parents may have questions about what kind of behavior specifically describes cyber bullying. Cyber bullying comes in several different forms, usually it’s rather indirect as the Internet and cell phones are used as a medium for communication. Behavior such as sending threatening and hurtful messages via cell phones, any social media account online, or through email, as well as spreading rumors with intent to damage a person’s image. Also, cyber bullying is the spreading of images that depicts another person in a negative or unflattering light, online or through cell phones. Hacking into someone’s personal account, posting on their behalf to damage someone’s image and integrity of their account is also classified as cyber bullying.

Any online activity as well as cell phone usage that is intended to say hurtful things, spread rumors or do damage to another person’s image is bullying. This is especially true if any of the messages, rumors, or images being circulated is sexual in nature. This means, sexting, and spreading any sexually suggestive photos of another individual.

Discuss what cyberbullying is and the harm it does with older children and teens: Ask kids who are actively using technology for communication what they already know about cyber-bullying. They usually have a lot of information and strong ideas.  Ask if this has ever happened to them or anyone they know.

How to Prevent and Stop Cyberbullying

1) Discuss what cyberbullying is and the harm it does with older children and teens

Ask kids who are actively using technology for communication what they already know about cyber-bullying. They usually have a lot of information and strong ideas.  Ask if this has ever happened to them or anyone they know.

Make sure that the young people in your life know that:

  • Cyber-bullying means using computers, mobile phones, or other technology to hurt, scare, or embarrass other people. Cyber-bullying gets people in serious trouble at school and also with the law. In a growing number of places, certain forms of cyber-bullying are illegal.
  • Being mean is being mean, no matter how you do it. Don’t ask if it’s funny. Ask if it will make someone unhappy.
  • Even if you think someone was mean to you, being mean back is not a safe way to handle the problem. Instead, get help from an adult you trust.
  • Have the courage to speak up if you notice anyone cyber-bullying. Say that this is wrong and that you are not going to keep it a secret.
  • Use privacy settings, but never post anything in social medial or send anything out electronically that you don’t want the world to see.
  • If you get an upsetting message or see something that is attacking you: Do not reply. Do not delete. Save the message, get a screen shot, print it if you can and get help from an adult you trust. If one adult does not help you, keep asking until you get the help you need.

2) Be clear about the rules for using technology

Tell your kids, “You have the right to be emotionally and physically safe online, using social media, gaming, and texting -and so does everyone else. I expect you to let me know if anyone does something online that upsets you – and to act safely and respectfully towards others in everything you say or do, including through use of technology. If you have a problem, I want to know.” The use of computers for anything except schoolwork should be a privilege, not a right. The use of mobile phones for anything except for emergencies and communication with parents should also be a privilege. These privileges should be lost if they are used for unsafe or hurtful purposes. You expect your children to stay in charge of what they say and do, to tell you about problems, and to get your agreement in advance about any changes. We recommend a written technology use contract that kids sign with their parents and that can be updated each year.

3) Stay aware of and involved with what your child is doing

Spend time with your children and teens so that you know what they are doing.  Explain that their activities on text messages, social media such as Facebook, email, chat groups, and use of computers can easily become public to the world and insist that these activities be public to you as well. If you don’t understand exactly what your child is doing with technology, then have this young person teach you by leading the way and letting you be a co-pilot.  If you are busy with technology yourself, remember to stop what you are doing and pay attention to your kids! Otherwise, you can be sitting side by side, each looking at your own smart phones or computers, and  not notice what your child is seeing or writing.

4) Be careful about the use of personal information

Use privacy settings but don’t count on them. Remember that anything shared electronically with anyone can be shared publicly by anyone you send it to.  Unless this is within a secure system of people who know each other, such as a school, avoid allowing children to post personal information or photos in an on-line friend’s community, chat group,or anywhere else.

5) Give consequences if kids cyber-bully

If young people in your life do something hurtful to another person either online or in person, have them apologize and make amends. Figure out what actions they took to create the problem, and coach through a practice of making safer choices instead. Often, loss of the privilege to use the technology involved for a specific period of time is the most appropriate consequence. In addition, have kids do something active such as mail  a handwritten letter of apology, do some research about the harm done by cyber-bullying and write a paper, or do some volunteer work to make our world a better place.

6) Provide support if a child is cyber-bullied

The anonymous nature and widespread distribution of cyber-bullying can be devastating. If your child is facing cyber-bullying, provide emotional support by saying, “I am so sorry this is happening to you and so proud of you for having the courage to tell me. This is not your fault and we are going to do what we can to make it stop.”  Ask for action to correct the problem from school authorities, your Internet provider or mobile phone company, the social media company such as Facebook, and, if necessary, the police.

7) Practice how to speak up to stop cyber-bullying

After kids understand what cyber-bullying might look like, practice how to speak up. Identify possible negative reactions from the other person. Then, practice respectful, powerful responses to persist in setting the boundary.  Let youth make up their own story about the situation to use for the practice. Switch roles with them.

For example, a friend might say, “I can’t stand Roger. Look, I got a photo of him going to the bathroom on the field trip. Let’s see how many people we can send this to.”

One way to speak up could be: “That’s cyber-bullying. It’s wrong.”

A common negative reaction to this boundary is, “But you have to admit that it would be funny.”

An effective response might be, “Even though Roger is not my favorite person, I don’t think it is funny to embarrass people. Besides, it is illegal.”

8) Teach kids to get adult help anytime they see unsafe behavior online, while texting, or in person.

Young people can have a huge impact and be safer themselves if they know that any unsafe behavior on the Internet is an important time to get adult help. 

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